ETS Energy & Technical Services is a modern and dynamic company that belongs to DMA Group, where there are experts and experienced professionals working with renewable energy, both in the civil as the industrial sector, referring to wind energy in particular.
This kind of energy is an unlimited resource and most of all It’s clean and distributed over the whole national territory.
Making ETS a strong player on the energy market is the expertise of its members and partners in the wind sector and the fact that ETSis also a perfect connoisseur of the places where kinetic enegy can be installed. Thanks to this, ETS is able to provide public and private customers a wide range of consultanting services both in the technology industry and regarding management.
The technical skills acquired by ETS during many years of operation and collaboration with international partners together with careful supervision by the DMA GROUP, makes ETS capable of preparing large and complex designs and realizing all planned projects.
On instructions of DMA GROUP, ETS focuses mainly on the wind industry through innovative and focused initiatives, dedicated to carry out the mandate that have been entrusted to the company by the group in the best possible way.
The kinetic energy from wind is a “natural energy” that has always been used by man for many purposes and activities, both in the civil and the industrial sector. It is considered a renewable resource because it does not require any fuel, but it is converted into mechanical energy and then into electricity, thanks to wind machines called wind turbines.
In the last decade, the wind has proved to be a key source of energy, which, if properly exploited, allows a mean of generating clean renewable electricity at affordable costs.
ETS, aware of the importance of this source, has put all its efforts into this area, strongly believing in its potential and creating a major national organization to identify suitable sites for the construction of wind farms.
Always aware of the problems of the moment and thanks to a strong organization composed by the human resources of the company and by established interdisciplinary collaborations with professionals and experts, ETS is able to provide important and specific services:
Through the presence of and relations with key professionals, ETS is able to offer assistance in areas such as: technical, administrative, licenses and law and personal consultation on energy production from renewable sources on Italian territory to national and European enterprises.
Research for the sites
Through a structure with roots in the territory and with the help of consultants and local professionals and with the skills acquired during many years by the members, ETS is able to identify suitable sites for the design and construction of wind farms in both public and private areas carefully examining every possible detail and always considering laws and regulations, community, national and regional standards.
ETS carries out the first ritual inspections and tests the feasibility and cost effectiveness in relation to the difficulties and / or weaknesses found during the inspections that are performed by the technicians of the company together with the local professionals involved.
To follow up, ETS verifies if in the determined site there are connections to the national grid and examines the existing connection of the substations in the area.
After that, the company prepares reports of feasibility study, technical and economic agreements and analyzes the inspections executed over the territory, before moving on to anemology study.
Anemology Analysis
The Anemology analysis helps to determine if in a specific geographical area the wind has the appropriate features for the installation and operation of a wind turbine. The analysis is performed by detecting wind data over an observation period which usually lasts a year.
ETS provides the planning of the anemometric campaign by installing the measuring towers to monitor the wind;
ETS takes direct care of the assembly, maintenance and periodic testing of measuring instruments;
ETS gathers and processes all data monthly;
ETSruns pre-design simulations and defines the investment costs.