ETS-BIOMASS ENERGY (to be established) will be the new company belonging to the Holding DMA GROUP, for the development and the construction of Biomass plants.
On instructions of DMA GROUP, BIOMASS ENERGY will develop projects and plants for the production of clean energy from these particular organic sources.
Witihin the structure, there are experienced professionals in the field of renewable energy, whose expertise makes it possible for the company to achieve great results in this field.
In these last years, through the awareness of the serious question about the global pollution, Biomass sources have returned to the limelight as the “friendly” energy, capable of producing, in addition to heat, electricity good enough to meet the industrial and privatel needs.
Thanks to the commitment to research by experts, engineers and industrialists, there is ta continuos improvement of the systems and technologies still in use to allow an ever greater exploitation of this natural fuel.
In this vision of energy-saving and renovation, the Biomass plays a major role.
Biomass is, together with the wind, the natural fuel for excellence, existing in nature in an ongoing and diversified manner . Under this name there are grouped different types of materials of organic origin, animal or plant-fossil, which, properly treated, can become solid, liquid or gaseous.
Biomasses are therefore, in addition to the essences grown specifically for energy purposes, all products from agricultural crops and forests, including residues from the working agricultural and forestry, food waste and agricultural products intended for human or animals,the residues, not chemically treated, the wood processing industry and paper, basically all organic products coming from biological activities by animals and humans.
Research for the site
Through a diffused national organization, BIOMASS ENERGY performs the search for suitable areas for the realization of biomass plants for industrial and/or in combination with agro-food production systems.
BIOMASS ENERGY deals with the preliminary checks-ups and evaluates the feasibility and cost effectiveness in relation to the difficulties of the territory through attentive study by its technical and local professional figures.
During the monitoring of the territory, BIOMASS ENERGY takes carefully into consideration the presence of suitable transport routes and areas to be devoted to warehousing facilities.

Going beyond the research and monitoring of the area by forest experts and agronomists, based on the data collected and processed with special software, BIOMASS ENERGY makes a preliminary design drawing of the biomass plant, identifying the most appropriate technology, also taking care of simulations and verification.
The technical strucure BIOMASS ENERGY provides the client/investor with all the necessary technical planning support for the construction of a plant biomass of any size and power.